Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Uinta County Code Red

Now is the time to sign up for the Uinta County CodeRED if you haven't already.  CodeRED is a high volume high speed communication service that will alert county residents of any emergency in the area. 

I signed up for CodeRED shortly after school started this year.  I received a call when they had the school closures just before Thanksgiving this year.  The funny thing was that the call wasn't received until about 12:30pm on the first day.  A little late but maybe they are trying to get the system tested for future use.  If you have caller ID make sure and imput the number 866-419-5000 in your contact list as CodeRED.  That way you will know who is calling. 

Go to and click on CodeRED to get signed up.  You never know when they might need to get important information to us for our area.

Mardi :)

Let the New Year Begin

Well 2011 is just days away now and it is time to start refocusing on getting our homes in order.  I have been so occupied with the holidays and family the last few months that I have just not been motivated to work on my food storage and emergency preparedness like I should have been.  So I am going to try and start 2011 off with a bang and get things moving. 

I had some feedback with the index cards I handed out a few months ago and we are going to work on getting those requests filled this year.  I am also going to try and come up with a hand full on mini workshops to get us more educated with our preparedness.  I hope you are all excited and on board with this challenge and that together we can improve our situations. 

So in the coming months, I will post ideas, items to stock up on and much, much, more.  So keep checking back for new posts and PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE leave your comments so I know you are reading......

Mardi :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Laudry Soap

I did, I finally did it!  I made home made liquid laundry soap and I love it.  I waited to write this post because I wanted to try it first to make sure I loved it as much as other people say they do.  And I do!  Not only is it wonderful at cleaning our clothes, it is so cheap.  And I am all about spending less money where I can.  A 1/2 cup of soap equals out to be about $.016, so a little more than a PENNY!!!!!  I have a high capacity washer and usually extra dirty clothes so I use a full cup, which equals out to be about $.03 a load!  Awesome, right.  So instead of paying $20 for liquid Tide which only does about 96 loads at a cost of $.21 per load, I am able to make my own at home with no added dyes or perfumes for about $13 a year.  That's right, just $13 a YEAR!!!!!  I do add a little lavender or wild orange essential oil to the soap after it is in the dispender because I like it but you don't have to add a thing and it still smells fresh and clean.

So with that said, how many of you are interested in learning how to make your owe laundry soap?  Maybe I should teach a little class on this.  It really isn't difficult and it took me about 30 minutes to do, start to finish. 

Also, this would make great christmas gifts. 

I forgot to take pictures while I was making it so I am just showing you the finished product. 

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Are you prepared for an evacuation?


Okay, I had this dream last night....I hate this kind of dreams.  But anyway, the dream was about my home being in the path of a wild fire.  Kind of like the one they just had in Herriman.  I my dream I can remember watching the fire and thinking to myself we might have to evacuate if it changes directions.  And then all of the sudden it did.  I paniced, I wasn't ready for that and I was frantically running around trying to get all the things I thought we just couldn't loss.  You know like computers, pictures, important records, etc.  And there where everywhere in my house and not in one central location.  I woke up in a bit of a panic as you would imagine. 

So I felt impressed to share this will all of you.  We need to all consider the possibility that we might have to evacuate on a moments notice.  And if that even happened will we be prepared.  I know I am not! 

So over the next few days I am going to be working on a plan to help us get our affairs in order.  I am going to be researching the internet for ideas, of course.  Why reinvent the wheel one someone has already done it, right.  I hope you are all on board with this, because I think this something important for our overall preparedness.

- Mardi

Taking Inventory...

Friday, September 24, 2010

Taking Inventory....

Okay, I got the motivation to start doing the inventor of my food store room.  If any of you have seen my food storage room you can only imagine the job I have ahead of me.  Well, I got 1 little shelf done and I have a page and a half of food listed.  I also determined that I don't need any more oats, potatoes, dehydrated apple or hard red wheat.  I have wheat in 5 gallon buckets that is over 40 years old.  I am actually affared to open them up.  And I have enough tooth paste to last 3 - 5 years!  At least I won't have smelly breathe in an emergency.

I organized a lot of the other shelves so that I could get them inventoried by the end of next week.  I have some more ideas that I will share later to help me STAY organized so that I don't buy 500 lbs of potatoes!!!  I still have a lot of space to add more things too.  I am sure there a lot of things I still need to purchase. 

Change Site Name

Well, I have had to change the name of the blog because of a letter I received from our ward bishop written by the First Presidency in December 2004.  I am going to now be creating this blog for my own pleasure and information gathering.  You as friends are welcome to follow this new blog.  I hope to continue adding information to the site as often as I can.  I would also welcome any post from my friends

I will be pulling the posts that I added to the other site so that no information is lost.  I hope you will all keep reading this blog and I thank you all for your support over the years.
