Saturday, October 23, 2010

Laudry Soap

I did, I finally did it!  I made home made liquid laundry soap and I love it.  I waited to write this post because I wanted to try it first to make sure I loved it as much as other people say they do.  And I do!  Not only is it wonderful at cleaning our clothes, it is so cheap.  And I am all about spending less money where I can.  A 1/2 cup of soap equals out to be about $.016, so a little more than a PENNY!!!!!  I have a high capacity washer and usually extra dirty clothes so I use a full cup, which equals out to be about $.03 a load!  Awesome, right.  So instead of paying $20 for liquid Tide which only does about 96 loads at a cost of $.21 per load, I am able to make my own at home with no added dyes or perfumes for about $13 a year.  That's right, just $13 a YEAR!!!!!  I do add a little lavender or wild orange essential oil to the soap after it is in the dispender because I like it but you don't have to add a thing and it still smells fresh and clean.

So with that said, how many of you are interested in learning how to make your owe laundry soap?  Maybe I should teach a little class on this.  It really isn't difficult and it took me about 30 minutes to do, start to finish. 

Also, this would make great christmas gifts. 

I forgot to take pictures while I was making it so I am just showing you the finished product. 

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